Keynote Speakers
The Keynote Speakers sessions will be held in both Online and Offline modes. For more details please refer below.

Anton J. Schleiss
Professor emeritus EPFL and independent expert consultant, Switzerland
Title of the Talk : “The Challenge of Rock Scour Assessment at High Head Spillways”

Mike Phillips
Hydraulic Structures Engineer
Risk Management Center
US Army Corps of Engineers - Institute for Water Resources
Title of the Talk : “Modifying the Mosul Dam Bottom Outlet and Flip Bucket”

Sebastien Erpicum
Liege University, Belgium
Title of the Talk : “Composite Modeling for Hydraulic Structures Design“

Erik Mosselman
An expert in river engineering and fluvial morphodynamics
Title of the Talk : “Experiences from training the Brahmaputra-Jamuna River“

Stefano Pagliara
Professor of Hydraulic Construction,
University of Pisa, Italy
Title of the Talk : “Hydraulic Behaviour of In-Stream Low Head Structures for River Restoration“

Fabian A. Bombardelli
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering,
University of California, Davis