Theme 1
Storage and Diversion Structures
- Dams and Weirs
- Spillways
- Intakes and outlets
- Fish passes
- Navigational locks

Theme 2
Energy Dissipators
- Stilling basins
- Block ramps
- Stepped spillways
- Plunge pools

Theme 3
Flow Conveyance Structures
- Canals, tunnels, pipes
- Penstocks & surge tanks
- Flood mitigation channels
- Gates and Valves

Theme 4
Physical and Numerical Modeling
- Instrumentation
- Scale effects
- Modelling of roughness & sediment
- Multiphase modelling
- Hybrid modelling
- Fluid structure interaction
- Case studies and prototype measurements

Theme 5
Scour around Hydraulics Structures
- Scour and sediment transport
- Aggradation and degradation
- River training and protection works

Theme 6
Coastal Engineering
- Ports and harbours
- Coastal and offshore structures
- Caisson and rubble mound breakwaters

Theme 7
Best Practices in Risk Management
- Dam safety and rehabilitation
- Risk and hazard assessment
- Sustainable design
- Adaptation to climate change

Theme 8
Miscellaneous Structures
- Non-linear weirs
- Pump sump
- Trench/tyrolian weirs
- Permeable weirs

Theme 9
Reservoir Sedimentation
All papers will be peer-reviewed for technical content by the scientific committee. Accepted and presented papers will be allocated a direct object identifier (DOI), and be published in the Proceedings. The proceedings will be indexed in Scopus and made freely available online at Utah State University Digital Commons. One registered author shall be allowed to present a maximum of two papers.